Snake Prevention Services

How to Help Prevent Snakes on Your Property

In general, snakes get a bad rap. These slithering reptiles are an important part of their ecosystems, as they help keep other pests at bay. In addition, snakes don’t start their mornings thinking, “It sure would be fun to creep out some humans today.” In fact, they’re often likely to hide if they sense you coming.

That being said, if you’re like most people, you probably prefer that your yard and garden be free of snakes. And we honestly can’t say we blame you. Especially if you live in an area of the country in which venomous snakes are common. So take a look at the following four tips for keeping snakes off your property.

Learn about the snakes in your neck of the woods

Reading up on the snakes that are local to your region gives you a better idea of what their habitat is. Once you understand what conditions create the ideal environment for different snake species, you can purge your yard of the elements that make it a snake haven.


Additionally, learning about the snakes in your area gives you a better idea of how concerned you need to be with the reptiles in your yard. Copperheads, which are very common in many eastern states of the United States, for example, are venomous and do bite people. You definitely want to take steps to prevent these from setting up camp in your yard. On the other hand, garter snakes are generally considered to be beneficial.

About us

Being in the pest control business for 20 years, we have dealt with all kinds of pests in residential, housing societies, restaurants, factories, offices, hospitals and many other types of premises.

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